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Thanks for your patience as we put the finishing touches on your CAN Go smart cane. We’re excited to deliver an incredible product and experience!
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What is ship timing? We expect to receive products in our warehouse in May. Timing for shipment is an additional 10 days.

In a world where inclusivity is gaining increasing recognition, there's a crucial aspect that often goes unnoticed—designing attractive products that cater to the needs of individuals with varying abilities and challenges. We believe these products today should be more than just functional aids; they must be a powerful symbol of beauty and best-in-class design that reflects our commitment to leaving no one behind.

Inspiration from The Design of Everyday Things


Don Norman's book, "The Design of Everyday Things," has been a guiding light for designers worldwide, and he has personally challenged the team behind CAN to make the stigma surrounding mobility devices obsolete. Norman emphasizes the importance of designing products and systems with the user in mind, making it easy for users to understand and use a product without frustration. This principle is at the core of designing CAN smart mobility devices—making them intuitive and user-friendly.

Addressing Technology Challenges


Technology frustrations are a common experience for most people, regardless of their age. However, 76% of responders aged 70+ in the most recent AARP survey do not think technology was designed with them in mind. This dissatisfaction persists despite the growing adoption of technology, leading to frustration and, in some cases, the abandonment of technology.

As designers, developers, and creators, an essential part of CAN's design process is ensuring we’re designing for our users. Inclusion starts with being aware of those who might have challenges accessing technology or may need to access it from a different device. Our power of inclusive design lies in its ability to bridge gaps and create products that enhance the lives of a wider range of individuals.

Empowering Through Innovation: CAN Go's Story

The CAN Go, embodies the spirit of inclusivity and human-centered technology. Designed with three separate groups in mind—those who need it for stability, those with chronic conditions related to mobility, and those recovering after surgery—the CAN Go seeks to strip away the stigma associated with mobility devices and destroy the barriers that limit adoption.

What sets the CAN Go apart is its simplicity. Instead of a multifunctional button or reliance on screens, the CAN Go boasts three distinct buttons, each with a specific purpose—making calls, activating a flashlight, and displaying metrics. The real magic unfolds inside the cane, where it quantifies mobility and provides tailored mobility care solutions, all effortlessly accessible. Thanks to its Over-The-Air update technology, the CAN Go continually evolves, delivering new features and enhancements with ease.

"I hadn't seen my father excited about a gift in a very long time." "The cane is elegant and unique." "This is super cool." These are some of the phrases our users share with us when they see the cane for the first time. We are proud to reinvent mobility devices with a unique style and make these products desirable.

Celebrating Accessibility


As we celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day, let's champion the principles of style, inclusivity, and innovation as fundamental aspects of design, ensuring that everyone has equal access to technology that truly empowers individuals while celebrating their uniqueness.